SunFire History

David Clayton and Laura Cheves met through Australian Shepherds, but that was only one step in two lives brought together and shared with dogs.

These are the dogs that highlight many years leading up to today’s SunFire Kennel and the four legged Clayton family. Some are still with us, and some live in our hearts with love.

Meet the dogs who helped shape our lives…


Baron Alistair CD

DOB 01/06/1981

Bearwood’s Cannon CD x Rizla Mc Fizla

After retirement, he had a second career as companion and guardian to my parents.


CH Misty Morn’s Rustlin Wind CD STDds

DOB 11/28//1985

CH Windjammer of Gefion CD x CH Sparkling Sherry of L7

He was one of those special companions and a dog with a very big will to please.


Abracadabra’s Whimsical Wizard CD STDsd

DOB 01/08/1986

CH Lo-Co’s General Lee CD x Abracadabra’s Magical Megan

Wizard was Laura’s first Aussie and first attempt at herding. His obedience and herding careers were cut short by cataracts, but he lived a long, happy life with Esprit and SunFire Aussies.

David and Laura met for the first time at a conformation class attended with Ruff and Wizard.


Striderite’s Connect the Dots CDX STDs OTDd

DOB 08/17/1987

CH Brigadoon’s California Dude CD STDs x CH Propwash Worth the Wait CD

Sally was Laura’s first versatility dog, major pointed in conformation and winning high scoring herding dog for FASA and 1st in versatility at a FASA show/trial.

Her other distinction is as the first dog Laura got from David.


CH Striderite’s Still Worth It CD ROMX I

DOB 03/24/1989

CH Starstuff’s Still Crazy CD STDds x CH Propwash Worth the Wait CD

While a couch potato and great companion in her own right, Peaches produced many nice puppies including several at SunFire:

  • CH SunFire Energize CD

  • A-CH SunFire On Impulse CDX NA NAJ RS-O JS-O GS-O

  • SunFire in Command (major pointed)


CH Propwash Bayshore Navigator CDX STDs

DOB 03/24/1989

CH Ellenglaze Propwash Test Pilot CD x CH Bayshore Propwash Mint Julep

Riker was another very special dog, Laura’s first CH and the foundation behind Esprit Kennel.

He was lost at age 8 in an accident, but his presence is still felt in the generations since at SunFire.

He has multiple champion and obedience titled get including our

  • CH Esprit’s Aerial Maneuvers

  • CH Esprit’s Test Flight CD


HOF CH Brookridge Midnight Madness CD HS STDcds ROM-C I ROMX I

02/13/1990 - 12/08/2004

CH Brookridge Quncy’s Invasion CD x CH Briarbrook’s Sheer Emotion CD

Mattie was behind much of the success of SunFire.

She was son of Iris (HOF WTCH CH SunFire Brookridge Habanero CD ROMX II) where the start of much of our versatility.

At 10 years of age, she came out of semi-retirement to finish her started cattle title. She has many offspring, grand puppies, and great grand puppies that compete successfully in conformation, herding, obedience, and agility.

To top it all off, she produced the 2000 ASCA National Best of Breed: HOF BISS CH SunFire Brookridge Up N Away STDdsc.


CH Ottercreek’s Cinnamon N Spice STDs

DOB 02/18/1991

CH Fairview’s Fudge Royal STDs x Dogone’s Patrick O’Tara

Spice provided some early herding experience for David and produced some notable puppies including our WTCH CH SunFire Red Hot Chili Pepper


CH Esprit’s Test Flight

DOB 07/31/1984

CH Propwash Bayshore Navigator CDX STDs x Penn Y Caerau’s Aree Elle CD

Always a gentle and loving dog. Alex produced 2 champions out of

  • HOF CH Soundtrack’s Custom Made

  • VCH CH SunFire’s Rock It Soundtrack CDX ATDd OTDsc

  • CH SunFire’s Made To Fly STDdsc


CH Esprit’s Aerial Maneuvers

DOB 07/31/1984

CH Propwash Bayshore Navigator CDX STDs x Penn Y Caerau’s Aree Elle CD

Ellie followed in her father’s paw prints as Laura’s second AKC/ASCA Conformation Champion.

As a broodbitch her offspring include: CH SunFire Aim High STDdsc

ASCA 2000 National Specialty Best of Breed Puppy: SunFire’s Cloud Kicker

National Specialty Puppy Class Winner: SunFire’s SGT Pepper


HOF WTCH CH SunFire Brookridge Habanero CD ROMX II

11/08/1995 - 09/19/2005

CH Moonlight’s Jay of Rafter J x CH Brookridge Midnight Madness CD STDcds

David’s first WTCH and homebred. Iris got me hooked on herding. With the help of Roger Stevens, we earned Irie’s WTCH. Iris was the foundation sire for our kennel and typified the versatile Aussie we want to produce. He produced a Versatility Champion, multiple Conformation Champions, Working Trial Champions, and many performance titled get.

HOF Sire #143


CH Caval’s Heels Over Head


CH Vasgota Rudolf Valentino x CH Vasgota Juliet

As SunFire’s first Swedish Vallhund, Ketty was a great foundation: first as a show dog, then broodbitch, and herding dog, and as always the perfect companion. Her sons and daughters represent the breed well in the United States, Canada, and England.

  • “Hannah” CH SunFire’s Head of the Class CDX RN STDd RS-N JS-N RXN RA


HOF CH Soundtrack’s Custom Made

DOB 02/02/1997

CH Soundtrack’s Johnny Five x CH Muzak’s Original Soundtrack

2 BOB in ASCA from the classes. Multiple BOB as a special. Co-owned with Lori Faust, Soundtrack Kennel. Produced multiple conformation champions, performance titled dogs, and sone VCH:

  • VCH CH SunFire’s Rock It Soundtrack CDX ATDd STDsc

  • one HOF dam: HOF SunFire’s Made To Order


WTCH CH SunFire Red Hot Chilli Pepper

DOB 02/03/1997

HOF WTCH CH SunFire Brookridge Habanero CD x CH Ottercreed’s Cinnamon N’ Spice STDs

Most Promising Started Dog. High Scoring Started Dog. ASCA Stockdog Merit Program Started Cattle and Started Ducks

Cleo’s WTCH finished Irie’s & SunFire’s HOF.


A-CH SunFire On Impulse CDX NA NAJ RA GS-O JS-O RS-O

DOB 06/24/1997

HOF WTCH CH SunFire Brookridge Habanero CD ROMX II x CH Striderite’s Still Worth It CD ROMX I

K’Ehleyer competed in Elite Agility until a back injury

  • 2003 FASA High Point Altered

  • 2nd 2000 Nationals Novice Agility

  • Multiple A-BOB Winner over majors and specials


CH SunFire Energize CD

DOB 06/24/1997

HOF WTCH CH SunFire Brookridge Habanero CD ROMX II x CH Striderite’s Still Worth It CD ROMX I

BOB, CH and UD producer


CH SunFire Aim High STDdsc

DOB 09/25/1998

HOF OTCH CH Willowbrook Sankano Bulls-Eye x CH Esprit’s Aerial Maneuvers

Amy was Laura’s first dog to title in all three classes of stock

Bred to HOF WTCH CH SunFire’s And Away We Go CD RS-N, Amy produced a lovely Special Bitch, Nation Circuit BOS, CH SunFire’s Up Past Midnight


HOF WTCH CH SunFire’s And Away We Go CD RS-N

DOB 02/12/2001

CH McMatt’s EZ Victor x HOF BISS CH SunFire’s Up N Away STDdsc

  • ASCA and AKC Conformation Champion

  • FASA 2002 High Point Dog

  • FASA 2004, 2006, SFASC 2005 High Point Special Dog

  • ASCA 2005 Crystal Jubilee Invitational Finalist

  • FASA 2005 Most Versatile and High Point Novice Agility

  • ASCA 2006 Conformation Invitational Qualifier


VCH CH SunFire’s Rock It Soundtrack ATDd OTDcs CDX

DOB 02/26/2001

CH Esprit’s Test Flight CD x HOF CH Soundtrack’s Custom Made


CH SunFire’s Made to Fly STDdsc

DOB 02/26/2001

CH Esprit’s Test Flight CD x HOF CH Soundtrack’s Custom Made

Finished Championship in 4 straight shows

Altered Premier at 2005 Nationals Circuit. Spayed due to a fertility problem.


HOF VCH PCH WTCH CH Poinsett SunFire Chipotle CDX RS-O JS-O GS-O

DOB 01/06/2002

WTCH CH SunFire Brookridge Habanero CD x CH Topgun Poinsett Petal Pusher CD AX AXJ

Chip was a great versatility dog, earning high scores in obedience and herding, with stylish conformation. Chip finished his WTCH on 4/18/04 at only 2 years of age. Scores included a 122! He finished his VCH as a 3 year old.


CH SunFire’s Head of the Class CDX STDd RA RAX JS-N-OP RS-N

DOB 08/23/2002

BIS CH Valshep’s Hattis Svante NJC NAC x CH Caval’s Heels Over Head

Hannah was truly a versatile vallhund, competing and winning in conformation, herding, obedience, and agility. Hannah is winner of the SVCA Vallhund of Merit Award for excellence in versatility and suitability for breeding.


WTCH Fairoaks Piper of Saltfleet RTDs RA CD JS-O RS-N

DOB 02/05/2003

Fairoaks Tamarack x Fairoaks Allure

2009 FASA High Point

Advanced Stock, Novice Agility


A-CH SunFire’s Solid Rock ATDc OTDds CD

DOB 12/25/2003

VCH CH SunFire’s Rock It Soundtrack CDX ATDd OTDsc x BISS HOF CH SunFire Brookridge Up N Away STDdsc

Coal had a great Altered Conformation career from 2005 - 2010 as well as successfully competing in herding and obedience.


SVCH ATCH WTCH CH SunFire’s Maid of Mandolyn

DOB 03/23/2004

HOF WTCH CH SunFire’s And Away We Go CD RS-N x HOF SunFire’s Made to Order

BOB over specials from the BBE Class, Herding High in Trials, Most Versatile Aussie FLPHASC 2006 Fall Circuit


HOF CH SunFire’s Up Past Midnight STDds JS-N

DOB 01/02/2005

HOF WTCH CH SunFire’s And Away We Go CD RS-N x CH SunFire Aim High STDcds

37 ASCA BOB, 34 BOS, and ASCA Intact Conformation - 2007 #14, 2008 #8, 2009 #12

Dam of 6 Champions


HOF CH SunFire’s Get Up N Go OTDs STDc

DOB 03/22/2005

HOF WTCH CH SunFire’s And Away We Go CD RS-N x SunFire’s Made to Order

FASA 2007 High Point Intact Class Dog

Repeat of cross that produced SVCH WTCH CH SunFire’s Maid of Mandolyn RS-E GS-E JS-E and CH Mandolyn’s Fast Break

Littermate to CH Mandolyn’s Jetsetter Co-Bred with Cindy Alison


VCH WTCH A-CH Sunfire’s Tar and Feathers RTDs AFTDds CDX RS-N JS-N GS-N

DOB 05/01/2005

VCH CH SunFire’s Rock It Soundtrack ATDd OTDcs CDX x WTCH True Grit’s Painted Toes

FASA 2008, 2009 Most Versatile Australian Shepherd

FASA 2007 High Point Started Dog


CH SunFire’s Dr Pepper CD RNX RA

VCH PCH WTCH CH Poinsett SunFire Chipotle CDX RS-O GS-O JS-O x HOF SunFire’s Made to Order

One HIT 200 RNX

retired to DeFuniak Springs, FL


CH SunFire’s Roasted Red Pepper STDs

DOB 02/04/2007

VCH PCH WTCH CH Poinsett SunFire Chipotle CDX RS-O GS-O JS-O x CH SunFire Spica of Sierra-Echo STDs

4 wins to CH included 4 BOW, 2 BOB, 1 BOS

2009 FASA High Point Intact Conformation Dog



DOB 01/20/2008

HOF VCH PCH WTCH CH Poinsett SunFire Chipotle CDX RS-O JS-O GS-O x HOF CH SunFire Spica of Sierra-Echo STDs

SunFire’s most Titled dog


WTCH GRCH SunFire’s Heads I Win

DOB 09/08/2009

CH Starvon in the Limelight x CH SunFire’s Head of the Class STDd JS-N RNX CDX

At the 2014 National Specialty in December, she was the first Select Bitch. We are so proud of this homegrown special girl. Penny is a big dog in a small package!


SVCA Versatility Champion MACH3 RATCH SunFire’s Class Act RN RS-O JS-E GS-O

DOB 02/08/2009

CH Starvon in the Limelight x CH SunFire’s Head of the Class STDd JS-N RNX CDX

Rally Novice AKC 98, 96, 94, 10 pt Elite Gambler's, In a new agility home


CH SunFire’s After Midnight

DOB 01/09/2010

CH After All’s Good For the Gander x CH SunFire’s Up Past Midnight STDds

Retired to Tallahasseee, FL


CH SunFire’s Take a Gander

DOB 01/09/2010

CH After All’s Good For the Gander x CH SunFire’s Up Past Midnight STDds

2x Finals Qualifying ASCA Altered Special


SunFire’s Dance All Night

DOB 08/17/2012

GCH CH OTCH Blue Isle Dance The Night Away UDX4 OM6 x CH SunFire’s Up Past Midnight STDds


CH SunFire’s The Morning After STDsc JS-N-OP RS-N GS-N

DOB 08/17/2012

GCH CH OTCH Blue Isle Dance The Night Away UDX4 OM6 x CH SunFire’s Up Past Midnight STDds


CH SunFire Western Hill Bet The Farm

DOB 02/25/2013

HOF ASCA CH UKC GRCH Western Hills GotMyMindSetOn U OTDs STDcd OFTDs RS-N JS-O GS-N RN PT x HOF SVCH WTCH CH Spring Fever Bet on Black OFTDsd RN JV-E GS-E HSAcs HIAs HXAd

Zell had a prestigious career in the conformation ring.

Littermate to our “Dhani” VCH WTCH CH Western Hills Something SunFire JS-O GS-O RS-O


CH SunFire’s Midnight Dreams

DOB 04/14/2013

AKC CH / ASCA CH / UKC BIS CH / WTCH Coolmoor Poinset ShardsofNarsil RN STDcsd x CH SunFire’s Up Past Midnight STDds JS-N